Sunday, June 21, 2009

MDA Correspondence

FYI. Mom is in the Emergency Center. She arrived Saturday around 11am. She has received dexamethasone, xometa and calcitronin plus a unit of blood. As of 6:3oam Sunday morning her blood work indicated that her hemoglobin had gone down so they are re-doing the labs to rule out internal bleeding. Prior to the hemoglobin result the plan was to send her home.

Dr. Shah was paged but never saw her ... I think he glanced at her chart. Dr. Rice was not that concerned about the calcium at 10.5 and took her off vitamin D. She saw no reason to admit her last night ... we were simply there because the blood took over 8 hours to arrive.

I will let you know once we know more but it looks like we will need an appointment next week with Dr. Weber to discuss the options for moving forward whether its with chemo treatment or not. Dad has numerous questions to ask Dr. Weber.

Take care, BeLynda (Brenda's daughter)