Saturday, June 20, 2009

No Spooking

Dad went home to get his clothes and medication so that he can stay with Mom overnight if they admit her. They have just now ordered the transfusion ... they wanted all the labs back first prior to processing the order. Mom woke up for a bit and had a few sips of chicken noodle soup. We starting talking and made plans to make the kids graduation cards with photos and a note from Gram. We decided to make them soon and store them away so that hopefully in the future Gram can give them to the kids herself. I told her that at whatever point she decides to go to heaven that I plan to talk to her a lot ... and she promised not to "spook" me when she answered. She indicated that she has made no plans for heading there anytime soon ... and I told her that she needs to stop scaring us now and she agreed. We had a nice little chuckle. Then we talked about the kids, the farm and taking a photo of Addison's long hair. Then we stopped so that she could take another nap. I can hear Dr. Rice down the hall and they plan to do additional blood work after she gets transfused to see if her calcium is down. Still no word on whether or not she will be admitted.