The hayride that started it all was on October 14, 1956. Neither of them seem to know how they agreed to this date ... but Mom remembers that Dad picked her up prior to the hayride. Dad was driving a 1950 3/4 ton Studebaker pickup. The hayride was on the country roads of Huntington pulled by a John Deer tractor. And that is where it all begin ... and 53 years later they are still together. Though Dad did mention that he is still wondering whether or not they can make it as a couple (LOL).
We are chatting when Mom wakes up for a bit and talking about the good ole' days. Dad also noted that his senior year he purchased a station wagon (the kind with the wood sides) for $100. Mom tells the story of riding along in the Texas heat over dirt roads and getting a full coat of dirt all over her ... including her make-up. This was before the days of AC and the bottomless car did not help!