Saturday, June 20, 2009

The Emergency Center

This morning after calling Dr. Weber to confirm that we needed to go to the ER we started the process of heading south. Mom started vomiting which happens now if she tries to move too much. We arrived in the ER around 11:20am and Mom vomited repeatedly in the waiting room. We were able to get into a private room (all the ER rooms are private) in a reasonable amount of time. They have drawn blood and taken a chest x-ray. They immediately started an IV. She is getting fluids, dexamethasone (steriods), xometa (reduce calcuim), zofran (reduce vomiting) plus they gave her a pill to settle her stomach. As of 2:40pm she is resting while we wait for a blood transfusion and the results of her chest w-ray. Dr. Rice is not sure if she will be admitted ... I think it will depend on the results of the chest x-ray. Mom has lost around 15 pounds and she is really not eating anything at all. Hopefully after these fluids and drugs she will get her appetite back.